Recently read “Amusing Ourselves to Death”, another 80s media criticism which holds up well yet could use an update. Postman was less interested in the economic model of media and more in the form itself (the medium shapes what ideas are convenient and likely to be expressed).

If we are witnessing the “imminent extinction of journalism and democracy itself”, is it primarily caused by the changing ownership model or is the change a reflection of TV and the internet’s prioritization of information-as-entertainment? Doesn’t have to be exclusive, but I lean towards Postman’s explanation. Your inability to focus and finish a book seems to reflect that internet-driven totalization of the mind which steers us away from boredom, concentration, and discomfort.

Excited for the new book and happy to see you post here.

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Journalism doesn't entertain anymore! Social media and Netflix are way too good at doing that instead. News drives engagement by making you mad

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De nada. :)

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Artigo perceptivo, Vincent.

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Valeu MS

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I haven't read Manufacturing Consent (i just put a reservation in at my library), but I am working through Michael Parenti's "Politics of News Media" which some argue precede Chomsky's ideas in Manufacturing Consent. I suggest you take a look at some Parenti too! Looking forward to your new book, Vincent!

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