Brazilians can learn from Milei how to become millionaires with one simple currency trick.

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Que termo eles usam para 'Woke' no Brasil?

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I didn't know about the Bolsonaro/Israel connection, although I can't say it surprises me. The ultra right support each other.

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Missed out on such a lovely event. I can just imagine the raucous speech the clownish Milei delivered. The Jew-wannabe and fervent Zionist travelled to Jerusalem, always the showman, putting on an embarrassing display at the Wailing Wall where he feverishly prayed using a kippah , a desperate move to be accepted as a Jew. He thought that insulting the beloved Argentine pope would burnish his credentials, backfiring miserably with Catholics and Jews.

When not insulting LATAM’s leftist governments, he spends his time traveling abroad, where this charlatan is feted by right- wing organizations honoring his failed anarcho-capitalist dogma, while his country’s economy continues deteriorating. The right wing nuts are weird.

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